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Future-Proof Charging Solutions

EV Workplace Charging Solutions

Enhance your business with EV workplace charging solutions. Providing EV charging stations at your workplace demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, attracts eco-conscious employees, and can generate additional revenue.



5 Star Review for HomeCharge EV Charger Installers.
A very professional installation process with excellent communications on progress throughout the process

Peter McNeilMay, 2024

5 Star Review for HomeCharge EV Charger Installers.
Very neat and discreet installation works – excellent job

Richard WebsterOctober, 2022

Electric car charging at a station in Europe


Currrently there are government grants available which would provide up to £350 per charging point up to a maximum of 40 units. There are also new infrastructure development grants of up to £500 per charging point from OZEV which further assist with the development of your workplace charging opportunities Please contact us for more information.

Cost recovery can be through direct payments from your staff on daily or annual basis at a tariff determined by yourself (see options below), but which could deliver a return on your investment within 5 years. With our flexible leasing you can have the solution you require and have a monthly repayment schedule that fits your budget. Please contact us for further details.


Installing EV Charging infrastructure can be expensive, so we offer several financing options to make it easier for you:

  • Flexible Monthly Payments: Spread the cost of your EV charger with affordable monthly payments.
  • Lines of Credit: Break down the purchase into manageable monthly installments.

Workplace EV Charger Return on Investment

Loss Leader

Charging is provided at no cost to visitors

Popular with EV drivers. Can build brand loyalty, increase footfall, dwell times and basket spend

Popular with many national supermarkets and retail parks

Cost Recovery

The host sets a tariff for chargepoint usage, to recoup its investment/ and or to cover its electricity costs

Makes EV charging more feasible for businesses with smaller budgets

Popular with company car parks and some hotels where employees pay to park/charge

Profit Making

The host sets a tariff for usage that over time will exceed the cost of installation and usage

Opens up a new revenue stream from EV charging

Best suited to businesses in areas where drivers need to charge urgently and will pay a premium

Workplace EV Charger Options

Trickle charger (<3kW)

Charging from a domestic 3 pin socket

Typically adds around 7-10 miles range per hour

Not suitable for public charging

Fast charger (7kW-22kW)

Found in homes, workplaces and public car parks

7kW adds 20-30 miles of range per hour 22kW adds 60-90 miles of range per hour

Suited to destinations with dwell times from c.45+ mins

Rapid charger (43kW+)

Frequently found at motorway services and some supermarkets

A 50kW rapid charger adds around 125-180 miles of range per hour

Suited to destinations with dwell times from c.45+ mins

Workplace EV Operating Methods

Free To Use

Chargers operated by RFID card issued by host


Pay as you go allows back office to collect credit/debit card payments for tariffs set by host, which is reimbursed monthly to the host


Host can charge by the token, which they can set a fee for their use


Workplace EV Charger Installations FAQs

What are the benefits of installing EV chargers at my workplace?

Installing EV chargers can boost employee satisfaction, attract eco-conscious customers, generate revenue, and support your company's sustainability goals.

What financing options are available for workplace EV chargers?

Homecharge offers flexible financing options, including affordable monthly payments and lines of credit, to help spread the cost of EV charger installation over time.

Are there any grants available for workplace EV charger installations?

Yes, several grants can offset the cost, such as the Workplace Charging Scheme, which provides £350 per charge point, and the Infrastructure Grant, offering £500 for each installation.

How long does it take to install EV chargers at a workplace?

The installation timeline varies based on your existing electrical infrastructure.

In as little as a day, more complex installations requiring groundworks or supply upgrades can take longer.

What types of EV chargers are suitable for workplaces?

We offer a range of chargers, from 7.4 kW units for regular use to 22 kW rapid chargers for faster charging times, ensuring we meet your specific needs.

These can take the form of single or dual outlets in either standalone, pedestal fixing or wall mounted.